Helpful Online Resources for Diabetics

There is a lot of information out there and it can get very confusing very quickly!

Even I often struggle to make sense of all the information that I consume on a daily basis.

But there are a few channels that I really really really recommend that I could not go without so here. So here I am sharing the channels and websites that I think you should also follow in order to improve your life as a type one diabetic and also as a normal person.

There we go, let’s navigate the web a bit more consciously!

Nutrition, Food and Intermittent Fasting

The fundamentals

If you want to really really improve your life as a diabetic, you HAVE TO start with these two:

  • Mastering Diabetes: These guys revolutionisedmy life. It is thanks to them that my blood sugar level is in range, stable and steady. And most importantly, they made me realise that I can enjoy the best food on this planet, guilt free and in abundance. Just keep the fats low! Robbie, Cyrus, you rock!

  • Nutrition Facts: Dr. Greger, I believe, one of the top authorities when it comes to the science of nutrition. The amount of work and time this man puts into research and into making it available to the public, for free, is almost moving. A true example of competence, dedication and thoroughness.

I can’t stress how important these channels are to understand what foods to eat, why, how and when. If you care about your health on the long term (be you a diabetic or not), you should invest some time digging their videos and websites. The lovely thing is that most of their videos are rather short, so you can skim them to get an idea. They’ll hook you, guaranteed.

If you’re in for deeper scientific dives and amazing, although not directly diabetes or health-specific, these podcasts have some amazing episodes about the science of things like sugar, salt and fasting. They do a great job at explaining how dietary and lifestyle choices have an impact on our day-to-day from a broader perspective:

Honorable Mentions:

Sports and fitness

As said, diet is not the only factor, in fact, exercise plays a huge role in longevity, and even more in the daily life. As a type one diabetic, we can use sports to lower the spikes to control and stabilise blood glucose, and to leave a more active life. Here are my top reccomendations:

Bodybuilding, strength training and calisthenics

A couple of very inspiring channel about how to use sports and fitness to live a better life. Their training philosophies are really rich and go well beyond mere physical training:

Other excellent channels to understand how to perform body building and strength exercises in a safe way.

Yoga and Functional Training

Besides, endurance and strength training I invest a lot of time in mobility and functional work. These are by far my top channels when I need to recover and/or explore different movement patterns.

  • Sean Vigue Fitness: the guy who got me into Yoga. Love at first sight!

  • Breathe and Flow: one of the best yoga channels in the universe. The range of styles of training they offer makes this one of the channels I would ‘take with me on a desert island’.

  • Movement Parallels Life: do you like to explore different, challenging, and amazing movement patterns? Go check this out!

Running and Endurance

I love endurance sports. I love running. In fact, running is by far my favourite activity. I love to follow other runners, see how they train, what they eat, how they live their lives. Here are some wonderful and accomplished plant based endurance athletes (marathoners, iron men, and endurance addicts I look up to!):

  • Rich Roll: does he even need an introduction? I don’t think so. Just listen to a few episodes of how podcast, or read his book. You’ll be quickly addicted, and rightly so!

  • HellahGood: this guy is on a 1000+ days streak of running every day. He’s also full of energy!

  • Patrick DeLorenzi: this dude is an accomplished Ironman, and a guy who loves to experiment on himself with nutrition, training and life choices. I love this guy, he really is an inspiration to me.

  • Ben Parkes: another accomplished marathoner. One who shares a great vibe in every video. Check him out!

  • Kelsi Giroux: a relatively new channel I really enjoy. I am particularly intrigued by Kelsi’s ‘mono meal’ approach to eating. Definitely a nice channel, let’s help her grow!

For more technical stuff about running and long distance endurance:

Cooking and Recipes

Yes, you can be plant-based and still eat dsome truly delicious stuff. You can even cook it for your non-vegan friends and relatives, to persuade them to join you on this side!

  • The Happy Pear: pure and raw Irish energy coming at you with the tastiest recipes on Earth! By far my favourite cooking channel.

  • Simnett Nutrition: the best Canadian vibes!

I hope you will find some of this channels interesting and I hope that you will use them and find richness in their contents as much as I do. Let me know if you know some of them already or if there is any other that I should know about.

See you soon!


Week 2


Week 1